Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Useful Mortgage Refinancing Loans Article
Getting Out of Debt Using Debt Consolidation Loans

By Ken F. Nordstand Do you depend on your credit cards to meet your monthly expenses? Do you only ever pay the minimum monthly amount on your credit card bills? Are you unsure of how much debt you are carrying? If you have answered ��yes�� to these questions there is a very good possibility that you are carrying too much debt. If you do believe you are carrying too much debt you can get help from one of any number of large agencies that offer consumer debt consolidation advice free of charge. One other option for consolidating your debt is your local bank. When you consolidate your debts you roll them into one payment which is lower than the combined payments of all your credit cards and loans. When you contact a representative from an agency to help you consolidate and reduce your debt, they will ask you for certain information, such as what debts you have, how much your outstanding balance is and how much your monthly payments are for each. When giving this information do not forget to include any back taxes, outstanding medical bills, overdraft charges and any other unsecured debt. After you have gathered up all this information you will be asked about your income and living expenses. From this information the representative will help you to develop a monthly budget for your necessary living expenses. This will then let both of you know how much cash is left over that you can put towards paying off your debts. When you know how much money you have to pay your creditors each month, the debt consolidation representative will contact your creditors on your behalf to set up reduced payments that are mutually agreeable. In addition to getting your payment terms reduced you can often get late fees and over limit fees waived and even get your interest rate reduced or eliminated all together. After all that has been established you will begin by sending in each month a set amount to the debt consolidation agency. They will in turn send the agreed amount to each of your creditors. This way you will only be making one affordable payment each month and all your creditors will be satisfied. Setting up a debt consolidation loan or debt consolidation plan is good for both the creditor and you. For the creditor it is good because they are receiving regular monthly payments from you that they can depend on. For you it is good because you get the peace of mind knowing that all your bills are covered and you will no longer be contacted daily by bill collectors. Being interested in credit consolidation, Ken Nordstand has been writing many web pages in this particular area. You can come across his publications on consumer debt consolidation at and different sources for consumer debt consolidation tips. Article Source: A Quick Look On Mortgage Refinancing Loans

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